The paperwork forms you filled out and turned in to your district are NOT your registration. You MUST register online. On-Time Registration ends at 11:59pm, February 24, 2025. LATE FEE registrations will be accepted until 9:00am February 28, 2025. A $25 late fee will be collected online before registering. NO registrations will be accepted after 9:00am March 1, 2025.
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Is there a Registration Fee?
Yes, there is a $50 Registration Fee per Finalist. This is NOT collected during the online registration process because it it NOT common for individual Finalists to pay their own fee:
If you are a Finalist of the Alpine, Jordan, Nebo, Provo or Wasatch School District your district/school will pay your Finalist Registration Fee.
If you are a Finalist who attends a Charter or Private School, your school has the option to bill you for the fee. It is NOT common for Charter and Private Schools to require payment from their Finalists — most schools pay the Registration Fee for their Finalists. If you have any questions please speak directly to your school’s finance office.
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When should I setup my project?
Projects are set up and approved by the Display and Safety committee from 4-7pm the night before competition. See the schedule to find your competition and set up dates. If you are in the Elementary Division, please pay attention to the date and DISTRICT.
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Can my parents or teacher set up my project for me?
Yes. Just be certain that ALL materials you plan to display are present in order to be approved. In advance, please make sure that you are adhering to the Display and Safety Rules.
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How are projects judged?
Projects are judged based upon the same criteria. You can download the general judging guideline here.
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What should I wear to the fair?
We recommend that you dress professionally but comfortably for the judging interview.
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What should I bring to the fair?
The judging process is lengthy with a lot of “down” time. We recommend that you bring a book to read or homework to work on. Be sure that whatever you bring is not a distraction to yourself or others during the judging interviews.
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Do I need a project notebook?
Yes. The judges will want to look at your project notes and raw data along with your project write up on your display. Plus there is a special award for the most complete project notebook. Please visit the student section for more information about project notebooks. Please bring your notebook with you when you setup your project.
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What if I can’t come to CUSF during the judging time?
The judging interview is a large component of the judging process. If you are not present for judging you cannot receive an award, however teams are eligible if a team member is missing. Exceptions will be considered if the student has another district event that conflicts with the entire judging period. These exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis by the CUSF Committee. All exceptions must be authorized prior to the first day of the fair. Please contact
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Do I have to stay for the entire judging period?
Yes! The judging interview is the most important component of the judging process. During the judging time there are category judges and special award judges that are interviewing students. You need to give them an opportunity to talk to you. To prepare, check out this page, that lists a few questions you may be asked by judges.
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Do all members of my team have to come during judging?
No. However, it will be difficult for the judges to understand the contributions of each team member without being able to interview them and your score may suffer.
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Will lunch be provided?
Lunch is provided for the student finalists. Pizza and drinks will be provided. If you have a food allergy or special dietary restriction please make a note in your online registration. Parents and siblings of students will need to make other arrangements for food.
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Can my parents/family come to the fair?
Parents/Family can come to the fair during public preview the night of setup — please view the schedule for times. Parents and the general public will not be allowed in the project exhibit rooms during judging.
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Will parking be available?
Yes. Very LIMITED parking will be available in the parking lot on the west side of the BYU Conference Center.
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Will my valuables be secure at the fair?
We recommend that if you need to bring a computer or other valuable items with you to display at the fair that you only have them out on display while you are with your project.
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Will the science fair be open to the public?
Generally yes, however due to health concerns that may be subject to change. Please see the schedule for the most up to date information, assure you are viewing the correct date of competition.
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Why do I have to register online and submit a paper form?
Students must register online to compete at CUSF. The hard copy registration forms are used as entry paperwork into the pre-qualifying district science fairs and contain all of the appropriate signatures and project documentation required to compete at CUSF. The online registration allows you to be entered quickly into the CUSF database. The CUSF database is used to create judging cards, organize the winner lists, create certificates, etc. Please note that you will compete in the category you pick in your online registration (if it differs from the category you specify in your paperwork).
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Do I have to submit paperwork to my district science fair and to CUSF?
Yes. It is required that you submit forms at your district run fair. Students who advance will have those same forms submitted to CUSF.
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Who is eligible to participate?
The Central Utah STEM Fair (CUSF) is open to all students in grades 5-12 who reside within the school district boundaries of the Alpine, Jordan, Nebo, Provo and Wasatch school districts. Students must be selected from their school to advance on to compete at their district level science fair in order to become eligible to compete at CUSF. Students in the Alpine, Jordan, Nebo, Provo and Wasatch school districts must compete at their district science fair and charter school students must compete at the regional charter school science fair. Home school students must compete in the Wasatch Home Educators Network science fair and Private school students must contact CUSF directly to determine eligibility.
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I have a great project, why can’t I just register directly to participate at CUSF?
As an affiliate of the International Science & Engineering Fair, all students must attend two pre-qualifying fairs in order to advance on to compete at CUSF. These fairs include a school fair and a district science fair.
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What forms do I need for my project?
Students in grades 5-8 must submit a completed CUSF registration form with the appropriate signatures.
Students in grades 9-12 must submit a CUSF registration form, the accompanying ISEF paperwork, and any additional ISEF forms. Additional forms are required for projects involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, controlled substances, and/or potentially hazardous biological agents. You can use the ISEF Rules Wizard or call us if you are unsure which forms you will need.
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Can I work on my project with a friend?
Team projects of up to 3 members are allowed to compete at CUSF. Be sure that all members of the team contribute equally to and understand the project. Teammates must be within the same Division; 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12 grade.